
Valentine-Standard Poodle

Valentine 1
Valentine 2
Valentine 3
Valentine 4
Valentine 5
Valentine 6

Valentine, born February 2,, 2018, entered our pack and has completely stolen the show. She is our beautiful Red AKC Standard Poodle. She loves to help out the mamas, and play with all of the puppies. Her goal in life is to make us laugh and smother us with kisses right after she drank from the water bowl. When she is not taking all of the toys outside, you can catch her playing with her “little” sister, Remy. Always keeping you smiling, Valentine loves to go on car rides, loves people, and is always the center of attention. Equally as sweet as she is silly, she will always keep you on your toes!

Fun Fact: It took us quite a few weeks to agree on a name for Valentine, so she also will answer immediately to “Poodle Puppy!”

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